
Map of Canadian Nuclear Sites

The Canadian nuclear industry plays a vital role in the country’s energy landscape. Canada is a global leader in the production of uranium and the development of nuclear technology. The industry is centred around the use of CANDU (CANadian Deuterium Uranium) reactors, which are unique in their use of natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as a moderator. These reactors are known for their safety and efficiency. Nuclear power provides approximately 15% of Canada’s electricity, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The industry also supports medical research and isotope production, benefiting healthcare worldwide. Find out where the country’s nuclear sites are located, and what goes on at each of them, on our interactive map of Canadian nuclear sites.

Quick Guide to using the Map of Canadian Nuclear Sites

MAP – Click and drag to move the map around. Hold Ctrl and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Alternatively use the zoom buttons in the top right corner.

POINTS – Points are coloured based on the purpose of the nuclear site.

COUNTER – The counter in the top left displays the number of nuclear sites under each purpose. Clicking on a specific counter lets you see only sites that fall within that category.

POPUPS – Hovering over a specific point on the map will show you a popup containing additional information about the site.

Below is the full data set used to create the Canada Nuclear Sites Map. You can use it to look up specific nuclear sites.

NamePurposeLatitudeLongitudeStatusConstruction StartStart of OperationsEnd of OperationsAdditional Info
Agnew Lake MineFuel Production46.431389-81.627222Permanently Shut DownUnknown19771983Uranium Mine
Beaverlodge Mine (or Eldorado Mine)Fuel Production59.55-108.48Permanently Shut DownUnknown19531982Uranium Mine
Best Theratronics LimitedMedical45.338879-75.914354In ServiceUnknown2008/Medical Device manufacturing
Bicroft MineFuel Production44.991775-78.038008Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571963Uranium Mine
Blind River RefineryFuel Production46.180897-83.017359In ServiceUnknown1983/Uranium Trioxide production
BrucePower Station44.325278 N-81.599444 WIn Service19701977/Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)
Buckles MineFuel Production46.376083-82.589094Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571958Uranium Mine
BWXT MedicalMedical45.340082-75.917956In ServiceUnknown2021/Radioisotope processing
BWXT Nuclear Fuel Fabrication FacilityFuel Production44.294877-78.33095In ServiceUnknown1955/CANDU nuclear fuel bundle manufacturing
BWXT Nuclear Fuel Fabrication FacilityFuel Production43.66794-79.446539In ServiceUnknown1955/CANDU nuclear fuel bundle manufacturing
Cameco Fuel Manufacturing IncFuel Production43.954285-78.27504In ServiceUnknown1957/Nuclear fuel bundle manufacturing
Can-Met MineFuel Production46.477631-82.545847Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571960Uranium Mine
Canadian Light SourceResearch Organisation52.136856-106.631294In ServiceUnknownUnknown/Synchrotron and linear accelerator facilities
Chalk River LaboratoriesResearch Organisation46.050242-77.361002In ServiceUnknown1944/Multi-purpose research site
Cigar Lake MineFuel Production58.068588-104.541028In ServiceUnknownUnknown/
Cluff Lake FacilityFuel Production58.366658-109.542853DecommissioningUnknownUnknownUnknownUranium Mine
Dalhousie University Trace Analysis Research Centre SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor44.636575-63.59166Permanently Shut Down197619762011
DarlingtonPower Station43.872778 N-78.719722 WIn Service19851990/CANDU (PHWR)
Denison MineFuel Production46.495597-82.600236Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571992Uranium Mine
Douglas Point Nuclear Generating StationPower Station44.326667-81.6Decommissioning196019681984Canada’s first full-scale nuclear power plant
Dyno MineFuel Production44.95-78.097778Permanently Shut DownUnknown19581960Uranium Mine
École Polytechnique de Montréal SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor45.504532-73.612914In ServiceUnknownUnknown/
Eldorado MineFuel Production66.085-118.038Permanently Shut DownUnknown19321982Uranium Mine
GentillyPower Station46.3958° N-72.3572° WPermanently Shut Down196619722012Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
Greyhawk MineFuel Production45.031667-77.895556Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571982Uranium Mine
Gunnar MineFuel Production59.385-108.886944Permanently Shut DownUnknown19551963Uranium Mine
Kanata - original AECL and later MDS Nordion SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor49.247256-123.229414In ServiceUnknownUnknown/
Key Lake Mine and MillFuel Production57.206667-105.659167Suspended OperationUnknown1983/
Lacnor MineFuel Production46.395075-82.607917Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571960Uranium Mine
Lorado MineFuel Production59.49-108.65Permanently Shut DownUnknown19541960Uranium Mine
Madawaska Mine (or Faraday Mine)Fuel Production45.022639-77.920889Permanently Shut DownUnknown19541982Uranium Mine
McArthur River MineFuel Production57.761111-105.051667In ServiceUnknown1999/World's largest high-grade uranium deposit
McClean Lake Mine and MillFuel Production58.261111-103.8025In Service19791999/Uranium mine and milling operation
McMaster Nuclear Research Reactor (MNR)Research and Test Reactor43.261222-79.921444In ServiceUnknownUnknown/
Milliken MineFuel Production46.403581-82.627806Permanently Shut DownUnknown19581964Uranium Mine
Montreal LaboratoryResearch Organisation45.504722-73.612778Permanently Shut DownUnknownUnknownUnknownNuclear research in collaboration with the United Kingdom during World War II
National Research Experimental (NRX)Research and Test Reactor46.051667-77.363611DecommissionedUnknown19471993Heavy-water-moderated, light-water-cooled, nuclear research reactor at the Canadian Chalk River Laboratories
National Research Universal (NRU)Research and Test Reactor46.054314-77.364478DecommissioningUnknown19572018
Nordic MineFuel Production46.379906-82.586442Permanently Shut DownUnknown19561968Uranium Mine
NordionMedical45.340515-75.917816In ServiceUnknown1946/Sealed radiation sources manufacturing
Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD)Research and Test Reactor46.186667-77.657778DecommissionedUnknown19621987First Canadian nuclear power reactor, and the prototype for the CANDU reactor design
Panel MineFuel Production46.383333-82.633333Permanently Shut DownUnknown19581990Uranium Mine
PickeringPower Station43.811667 N-79.065833 WIn Service19661971/Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)
Point LepreauPower Station45.068889 N-66.454722 WIn Service19751983/Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)
Port Granby ProjectWaste Management43.90472-78.46667RemediationUnknown2016/Remediate and move historic low-level radioactive waste
Port Hope ProjectWaste Management43.962699-78.320106RemediationUnknownUnknown/Remediate and move waste from the Welcome Waste Management Facility
Pronto MineFuel Production46.21-82.71Permanently Shut DownUnknown19561960Uranium Mine
Quirke MineFuel Production46.5112-82.6321Permanently Shut DownUnknown19561990Uranium Mine
Rabbit Lake Mine and MillFuel Production58.197778-103.713611Suspended Operation19681975/Second largest uranium milling facility in the western world
Rayrock MineFuel Production63.443889-116.550833Permanently Shut DownUnknown19571959Uranium Mine
Royal Military College of Canada SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor44.233864-76.467484In ServiceUnknownUnknown/
Saskatchewan Research Council SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor52.141048-106.626778DecommissionedUnknownUnknown2019
Spanish American MineFuel Production46.476067-82.584858Permanently Shut DownUnknown19581959Uranium Mine
SRB TechnologiesOther45.805-77.117768In ServiceUnknownUnknown/Gaseous tritium light source manufacturing
Stanleigh MineFuel Production46.413519-82.63735Permanently Shut DownUnknown19581996Uranium Mine
Stanrock MineFuel Production46.472333-82.559825Permanently Shut DownUnknown19581985Uranium Mine
TRIUMFResearch Organisation49.24726-123.229467In ServiceUnknown1975/
Tunney's Pasture SLOWPOKE Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor45.403445-75.738865Permanently Shut Down197019711984
University of Alberta SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor53.524773-113.525616Permanently Shut Down197619772017
University of Toronto SLOWPOKE Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor43.659977,-79.393669Permanently Shut Down197119711976
University of Toronto SLOWPOKE-2 Research ReactorResearch and Test Reactor43.659842-79.393617Permanently Shut Down197619762001
Welcome Waste Management FacilityWaste Management43.961812-78.336565In ServiceUnknownUnknown/
Western Waste Management Facility (WWMF)Waste Management44.322213-81.581865In ServiceUnknown1974/
Whiteshell LaboratoriesResearch Organisation50.178417-96.06075Decommissioning196219652017Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL) laboratory in Manitoba
Whiteshell Reactor 1Research and Test Reactor50.17780304-96.0610122DecommissioningUnknownUnknownUnknown
Zero Energy Experimental Pile (ZEEP)Research and Test Reactor46.05392-77.36528DecommissionedUnknown19451973Nuclear reactor built at the Chalk River Laboratories

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