
Map of Japanese Nuclear Sites

Japan relies heavily on nuclear power for its energy needs. Following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster, the country faced intense scrutiny over its nuclear policies. Many reactors were shut down temporarily, and safety regulations were significantly tightened. In recent years, some reactors have been gradually restarted to ensure energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The government continues to invest in nuclear technology, balancing public concern with the need for a stable energy supply. Despite the challenges, nuclear power remains a crucial component of Japan’s energy strategy, aimed at achieving a low-carbon future while maintaining economic stability. Find out where the country’s nuclear sites are located, and what goes on at each of them, on our interactive map of Japanese nuclear sites.

Quick Guide to using the Map of Japanese Nuclear Sites

MAP – Click and drag to move the map around. Hold Ctrl and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Alternatively use the zoom buttons in the top right corner.

POINTS – Points are coloured based on the purpose of the nuclear site.

COUNTER – The counter in the top left displays the number of nuclear sites under each purpose. Clicking on a specific counter lets you see only sites that fall within that category.

POPUPS – Hovering over a specific point on the map will show you a popup containing additional information about the site.

Below is the full data set used to create the Japan Nuclear Sites Map. You can use it to look up specific nuclear sites.

NamePurposeLatitudeLongitudeStatusConstruction StartStart of OperationsEnd of OperationsAdditional Info
AHCFResearch ReactorDecommissioning1961Criticality Assembly
DCAResearch ReactorDecommissioning1969Criticality Assembly
Fast Critical Assembly (FCA)Research ReactorDecommissioning1967Crit Fast
FugenResearch Reactor35.754444136.016389Decommissioning197219792003Advanced Thermal Reactor
Fukushima DaiichiPower Station37.4214° N141.0325° EPermanently Shut Down196719712011Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
Fukushima DainiPower Station37.3194° N141.0211° EPermanently Shut Down197019822011Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
GenkaiPower Station33.515556 N129.837222 EIn Service19711975/Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
GNF-JapanFuel Production35.237766139.695868OperationalUranium fuel manufacturing plant
HamaokaPower Station34.623611 N138.142500 ESuspended Operation19711976/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
HigashidōriPower Station41.188056 N141.390278 ESuspended Operation19972005/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
HTRResearch ReactorDecommissioning1961Pool
HTTRResearch Reactor36.266333140.547444Operational1998High Temperature Gas Cooled (HTGR)
IkataPower Station33.490833 N132.311389 EIn Service19741977/Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
International Research Center for Quantum Energy and Materials ScienceResearch Institute36.268869140.545116Operational
Izumiotsu PlantFuel Production34.5135.41OperationalPWR & BWR Fuel Parts Fabrication and Inspection
JAEA Chemical Processing FacilityWaste Management36.440368140.600561Operational
JAEA Geoscience CentreResearch Institute35.378407137.238269Operational
JAEA Low Level Radioactive Waste Treatment FacilityWaste Management36.440829140.605347Operational
JAEA Plutonium Fuel Production FacilityFuel Production36.435594140.602817Operational
JAEA Prototype Uranium Enrichment PlantFuel Production35.314982133.934099Shut-Down
JAEA Recycle Equipment Test FacilityWaste Management36.438801140.602772OperationalFuel cycle research and testing
JAEA Tokai Reprocessing FacilityWaste Management36.439813140.604052OperationalSpent fuel reprocessing
JAEA Tokai Vitrification FacilityWaste Management36.43959140.602531OperationalHigh level waste treatment and vitrification
JAEA Underground Research CentreResearch Institute45.043351141.861003Operational
JAEA Uranium MineFuel Production35.386924137.21798Shut-DownFormer uranium mine
JAEA Uranium MineFuel Production35.314542133.930132Shut-DownFormer uranium mine
Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR)Research Reactor36.269653140.547669Decommissioning1968Tank
Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC)Research Institute36.447992140.603841OperationalHigh Intensity Proton Accelerator
JMTRCResearch ReactorDecommissioning1965Pool
JNFL MOX Fuel Fabrication PlantFuel Production40.957688141.327095Under ConstructionMixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) production
JNFL Uranium Enrichment PlantFuel Production40.977873141.353572Operational
JNFL Vitrified Waste StorageWaste Management40.963369141.324067Operational
JōyōResearch Reactor36.268039140.554093Suspended Operation1977Irradiation Test Facility for Construction Materials
JRR-1Research Reactor36.458789140.60051Decommissioning1957Homog
JRR-2Research Reactor36.456682140.600895Decommissioning1950Tank
JRR-3Research Reactor36.454687140.601373Decommissioning1962Heavy Water
JRR-3MResearch Reactor36.454885140.600804Operational1990Pool
JRR-4Research Reactor36.453964140.600622Decommissioning1965Pool
Kashiwazaki-KariwaPower Station37.429167 N138.595278 ESuspended Operation19801984/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
KUCAResearch Reactor34.387123135.347964Operational1974Criticality Assembly
KURResearch Reactor34.38665135.347283Operational1964Tank
Kyoto University Research Reactor InstituteResearch Institute34.38712135.347971Operational
LLW Disposal CentreWaste Management40.974988141.343522OperationalNear surface repository for Low Level Waste
MCFResearch ReactorDecommissioning1969Criticality Assembly
MihamaPower Station35.703333 N135.963333 EIn Service19671970/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
Mitsubishi Nuclear FuelFuel Production36.4737140.544475Operational
MonjuPower Station135.988056135.988056Decommissioning198619952010Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR)
Musashi ReactorResearch ReactorDecommissioning1963TRIGA
National Institute of Radiological SciencesResearch Institute35.6356140.1017Operational1957Radiation Research
NFI Kumatori PlantFuel Production34.390543135.346229OperationalUranium fuel manufacturing plant for PWR
NSRRResearch Reactor36.460491140.606336Operational1975TRIGA
Oarai Research and Development InsitituteResearch Institute36.263291140.549647Operational
OCF Ozenji Critical FacilityResearch ReactorDecommissioning1962Criticality Assembly
ŌiPower Station35.540556 N135.651944 EIn Service19701979/Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
ŌmaPower Station41.5097° N140.9103° EUnder Construction2008//Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor (ALMR)
OnagawaPower Station38.401111 N141.499722 EIn Service19701984/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
RFS Interim Spent Fuel Storage FacilityWaste Management41.355645141.246508Operational
RokkashoMulti-Purpose40.9625141.326389Under Construction1993//MOX Fabrication, Uranium Enrichment, HLW Monitoring, LLW Repository
SCAResearch ReactorDecommissioning1966Criticality Assembly
SendaiPower Station31.8336° N130.1897° EIn Service19791984/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
ShikaPower Station37.0611° N136.7264° ESuspended Operation19791993/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
ShimanePower Station35.5383° N132.9992° ESuspended Operation19711974/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
Static Experiment Critical Facility (STACY)Research ReactorSuspended Operation1995Criticality Assembly
TakahamaPower Station35.5222° N135.5047° EIn Service19701974/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
Tank Critical Assembly (TCA)Research ReactorDecommissioning1962Criticality Assembly
TokaiPower Station36.4664° N140.6067° ESuspended Operation19611966/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
TokaiMulti-Purpose36.456140.606OperationalResearch, Fuel Production, Waste Management
TomariPower Station43.0361° N140.5125° ESuspended Operation19701989/Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
Toshiba NCAResearch Reactor35.549406139.691977Suspended Operation1963Criticality Assembly
Transient Experiment Critical Facility (TRACY)Research ReactorDecommissioning1995Pulsing
TRIGA-II RikkyoResearch ReactorDecommissioning1961TRIGA
TsurugaPower Station35.6728° N136.0772° ESuspended Operation19671970/Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
TTRResearch ReactorDecommissioning1962Pool
UTR KINKIResearch Reactor34.649259135.587157Operational1961Argonaut
VHTRCResearch ReactorDecommissioning1985Criticality Assembly
YAYOIResearch ReactorDecommissioning1971Fast Source

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