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Enrichment & Reconversion

Enrichment is used to increase the proportion of the fissile uranium-235 isotope (235U) to the quantity necessary to sustain a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor.

Why is enrichment necessary?

Uranium exists as a range of different isotopes, each with the same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons.

So, each isotope has a slightly different mass and different nuclear properties:

  • Natural Uranium – approximately 99.33 % 238U + 0.7 % 235U.

Uranium-235 (235U) is the fissile isotope required for the nuclear fission chain reaction inside a nuclear reactor. Uranium-238 (238U), the most common isotope in naturally occurring uranium, is non-fissile. Hence, natural uranium must be enriched to sufficiently increase the proportion of the fissile 235U isotope:

  • Fuel-Grade Uranium – typically requires a higher proportion of 235U.

How is enrichment carried out?

Enrichment can be carried out via gas diffusion or using a gas centrifuge, with the latter being the current commercial method of choice. Research into alternative methods, such as laser separation is ongoing.

Gas Diffusion

Gas Diffusion was the first-generation method for uranium enrichment.

It is no longer commercially viable.


  • Lighter 235UF6 passes through a membrane more readily than heavier 238UF6, according to Graham’s Law (rate of diffusion of a gaseous species is inversely proportional to the square root of its mass).

Gas Centrifuge

Gas Centrifuge is the current commercial method for uranium enrichment.

This includes being used in the UK, at the Urenco site in Capenhurst.

  • Natural UF6 is spun in a cylindrical rotor at 50,000-70,000 rpm.
  • By centrifugal force, heavier 238UF6 is pushed to the edges.
  • Lighter 235UF6 collects at the centre, allowing collection of enriched uranium.

Laser Separation

Lasers can also be used for enrichment.

One example is the SILEX process – Separation of Isotopes by Laser EXcitation – which is currently under research.


  • Lasers preferentially excite vibrations in lighter 235UF6 dimers, causing these to break apart, allowing them to be collected.

Gas Diffusion

Gas Diffusion was the first-generation method for uranium enrichment.

It is no longer commercially viable.


  • Lighter 235UF6 passes through a membrane more readily than heavier 238UF6, according to Graham’s Law (rate of diffusion of a gaseous species is inversely proportional to the square root of its mass).

Gas Centrifuge

Gas Centrifuge is the current commercial method for uranium enrichment.

This includes being used in the UK, at the Urenco site in Capenhurst.

  • Natural UF6 is spun in a cylindrical rotor at 50,000-70,000 rpm.
  • By centrifugal force, heavier 238UF6 is pushed to the edges.
  • Lighter 235UF6 collects at the centre, allowing collection of enriched uranium.

Laser Separation

Lasers can also be used for enrichment.

One example is the SILEX process – Separation of Isotopes by Laser EXcitation – which is currently under research.


  • Lasers preferentially excite vibrations in lighter 235UF6 dimers, causing these to break apart, allowing them to be collected.

What level of enrichment is needed?

Enrichment levels can be categorised, with different proportions of 235U:.

Depleted Uranium


Depleted Uranium

Trace Uranium-235.

Low Enriched Uranium


Low Enriched Uranium

3-5% Uranium-235

High Enriched Uranium


High Enriched Uranium

90% Uranium-235

The extent of enrichment required depends on the use of the fuel and the type of reactor technology:

What happens at the end of the enrichment process?

Enrichment is followed by Reconversion – uranium hexafluoride (UF6, hex) is reconverted to uranium metal (U) or uranium dioxide (UO2), depending on the type of fuel.

Where is enrichment carried out?

What happens in the UK?

What happens in the UK?

Gas Centrifuge is the current commercial method for uranium enrichment. It is used in the UK, at the Urenco site in Capenhurst.

Did you know?

Within a uranium enrichment facility, there are careful controls to avoid an unintended criticality incident (like happened in Tokaimura in 1997). The facility will also be inspected by safeguards personnel from the nuclear regulator for accountancy purposes – keeping track of what uranium is where and at what enrichment.