
Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting an atomic nucleus into smaller parts.

What is Nuclear Fission?

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting an atomic nucleus into smaller parts. This reaction releases an enormous amount of energy, mostly in the form of heat, light and energy in the ejected particles as kenetic energy. This is following one of the world’s most famous scientists and physicists Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc². 

The Process

Stage 1

The Atomic Stage

At the heart of every atom lies a nucleus, a minuscule
powerhouse housing protons and neutrons. It is this nucleus that takes centre stage in the atomic drama of fission.

Stage 2

The Splitting Act

Picture an atomic nucleus ready to reveal its hidden energy.

Next enters the neutron, the trigger for this extraordinary reaction. When the neutron travels past the nucleus, there is a chance it will be absorbed by the nucleus, potentially making the nucleus unstable and triggering a breathtaking transformation called Nuclear Fission. The once stable nucleus is split into two or more smaller nuclei, creating a stunning spectacle of atomic fireworks, this is nuclear fission.

Stage 3

The Energetic Finale

As the nuclei split, they release a torrent of energy – the breathtaking grand finale of the fission process. This energy can take various forms, including fast moving particles, intense heat and blinding light. It’s the embodiment of the equation E=mc², where a small amount of matter is converted into an enormous amount of energy.

But here’s where the magic happens: it doesn’t stop there. The fission also generates additional neutrons. In the case of uranium isotope uranium-235, this is not one, but two or more! These new neutrons start racing off to be absorbed into other U-235 nuclei and therefore creating a domino effect of repeating the above steps (creating a chain reaction).

Stage 4
A Cascade of Reactions With every new fission event, the chain reaction gains momentum. Each event releases a burst of energy and unleashes more neutrons, setting off more fission events.

Control and Caution

As this process is a chain reaction where each reaction creates neutrons that can generate further reactions it is critical that this process is controlled.

Methods of Control

There are many different ways that this process is controlled that are specific to each types of reactors. There is one key method that is used across all reactor types and that is the use of Control Rods typically made out of a material called Boron. When neutrons come into contact with Boron they are absorbed without creating a fission reaction. By inserting Control Rods into a reactor core reduces the reactivity of the core as they absorb the neutrons meaning there are less fission reactions taking place.

What can undergo Fission?

There are two key terms when talking about materials that can undergo the fission process:

Examples of materials: 

Fissile Fissionable

An example of the amount of energy released

If 1 atom of uranium-235 underwent nuclear fission by absorbing a neutron, it has the potential to split into the nuclei barium-141, krypton-92 and 3 neutrons, this is not always the case but it is the most common:



Barium-141 (a common

product of nuclear

fission of Uranium-235)

Krypton-92 (a common

product of nuclear

fission of Uranium-235)

3 Neutrons

Using Albert Einstein’s equation E=mc², we can determine that 3.51GJ of energy is released per kg of standard nuclear fuel enriched to 5%.

This equates to roughly the same amount of energy released from burning 146kg of coal and is enough energy to boil 10,477 kettles containing 1 Litre of water!

Click here to understand where this energy comes from?

To use Albert Einstein’s equation E=mc², we need to calculate the amount of mass that has been converted into energy by finding the difference in masses before and after the reaction.

To do that we use a unit called the Atomic Mass Units (AMU), where 1 AMU has a mass of 1.66×10-27kg. The elements within this reaction have the following mass in AMUs:

ParticleAtomic Mass (AMU)

Next we need to work out the mass before the reaction takes place:

Before the reaction there is one atom of uranium-235 and one neutron meaning that the total mass is 236.0525 AMU.

[1.008665 + 235.0439 = 236.0525 AMU]

We also need to find the mass after the reaction to be able to determine the difference:

After the reaction there is one atom of Barium, one atom of Krypton and 3 Neutrons resulting in a mass of 235.8666 AMU.

[140.9144 + 91.9262 + (3 x 1.008665) = 235.8666 AMU]

This means that 0.18597 AMU of mass has been converted into energy as the first law of thermodynamics that energy can not be created or destroyed it can only be transferred into other forms.

[236.0525 – 235.8666 = 0.18597 AMU]

Using Einstein’s equation the total energy release can be calculated:

These tells us that for every atom of uranium-235 that undergoes Fission produces 2.78 x 10-11J of energy.

We can calculate how much energy is released from 1 g of standard nuclear fuel which has contains 5% uranium-235 by multiplying the amount of energy per atom by the number of atoms. First, we need to determine how many moles of uranium are being used where 1 mole will have a mass of 238.02891 g and therefore we are using 0.0002099 moles based on having 1 g of fuel which contains 5% uranium-235 meaning 0.05 g based on the assumption that the fuel is enriched to %5 by weight.

[0.05/238.02891 = 0.0002099 moles]

Avogadro’s Constant is the number of atoms in 1 mole which equals 6.022×1023 Atoms per Mole.

Therefore the total amount of energy released from 1 gram of standard nuclear fuel (Uranium-235 enriched to 5%) undergoing fission is:

How do we use nuclear fission?

The applications of nuclear fission are both awe-inspiring and practical. Here are a few examples:

Nuclear Power

Nuclear reactors use fission to generate electricity, providing a consistent and powerful energy source with low greenhouse gas emissions.

Medical Applications

Radioactive isotopes produced by fission are used in medicine for cancer treatment and diagnostic imaging.

Nuclear Weapons

Unfortunately, fission’s power has been harnessed destructively in the form of nuclear weapons.

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