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Nuclear Insights

Nuclear Waste – Arch Nemesis of the Nuclear Industry

Nuclear waste is the controversial by-product of nuclear reactors. It encompasses a variety of forms, each distinct in appearance and hazard level.

Cherenkov Radiation – The Ethereal Blue Glow

Cherenkov radiation is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when charged particles travel through a medium resulting in a characteristic and eerie blue glow.

Operating a Nuclear Power Station

How does a nuclear power station keep running for decades?​ How do we know what's going on inside the reactor? How do we repair it
Single unit nuclear power plant in a remote forest region

What does a nuclear power station look like?

What goes on behind the fence at a nuclear power station? What are all those buildings for and how does it all work together?

Turning Heat into Electricity

Unfathomable amounts of heat. Ludicrous temperatures and pressures. Ridiculous quantities of water and steam. How exactly do you turn all that into electricity?
The cooling towers of Temelin nuclear power station as seen from a nearby pond.

Lifecycle stages of a Nuclear Power Plant

Siting, Design, Construction, Operations, and Decommissioning. Find out what it takes to complete each lifecycle stage of a nuclear power plant....
A heavily stylised visual representation of an atom model

Structure of the Atom

The atom is the building block of the universe... But what lies inside?
An external image of the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (ThORP) within the Sellafield site.

Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Reprocessing

How can spent fuel be recycled?

Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Reactor Fuel

How is nuclear fuel used in reactors to make electricity?
A worker holding a number of nuclear fuel pellets and a fuel rod containing those pellets

Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Fuel Fabrication

How fuel is turned into a fuel rod...
Industrial plant containing hundreds of tall cylindrical gas centrifuges, arranged in rows.

Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Enrichment

The processes used to increase the proportion of uranium-235, the fissile isotope we need...

Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Disposal

The final step in the management of nuclear waste, from which material can never be recovered...

Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Mining

Extracting raw uranium ore from the ground...

Uses of Radioisotopes

Radioisotopes emit radiation. If harnessed correctly and safely, this can be a really useful property...


Click here to learn about what Nuclear Fusion is, how much energy it can release and what it can be used for.
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