
Pressurised Water Reactor

The Pressurised Water Reactor, or PWR, is the most common nuclear reactor design in the world today.

The Pressurised Water Reactor Story

The Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) was first developed to power submarines; the initial research, development and design originated from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA. Today, there are over 300 operational pressurised water reactors across the world, making the PWR by far the most prevalent reactor technology. 

France's Cruas Nuclear Power Station at night, home to four 900 MW pressurised water reactor units - commissioned between 1983 and 1984.
Nuclear power plant with two cooling towers releasing steam, set against a purple twilight sky and with the pressurised water reactor units to the right of the view. The facility is illuminated, with surrounding infrastructure visible.
The Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia, USA - home to four pressurised water reactor units; Units 1 and 2, commissioned during the 1980s, are pictured.

Development of the Pressurised Water Reactor Design

The first PWR, the Mark 1 Prototype Naval Reactor, was powered up in Idaho during 1953. The following year, 1954, the USA launched the first nuclear-power submarine: USS Nautilus. To this day, the pressurised water reactor is the backbone of the world’s fleet of nuclear-power submarines and surface vessels.

From its origins in naval propulsion, the PWR evolved to applications in civil nuclear power – supplying energy to electricity grids across the globe. The transition began in 1957 with an American prototype in Pennsylvania, the Shippingport Demonstration PWR. The first commercial PWR, Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Station in Massachusetts, was commissioned in 1961. The analogous Russian design is known as the Vodo-Vodyanoi Enyergeticheskiy Reaktor (VVER, translating as the water-water power reactor).

An image of Sizewell B Nuclear Power Station, surrounded by fields. A white dome rises from a blue cube.
Sizewell B in Suffolk, the UK's first pressurised water reactor, began operations in 1995.
Hinkley Point C, under construction in Somerset, will be the UK's first new nuclear power station in more than 20 years.

Advantages and Challenges of a Pressurised Water Reactor

The pressurised water reactor design is a widely used and well proven technology. Their use of uranium dioxide fuel and a water moderator relies on an understanding of how to enrich uranium efficiently. A PWR possesses inherent thermal feedback, a passive safety mechanisms where an increase in coolant water temperature decreases the criticality of the reactor – failing to safe. Additionally, pressurisation of the water within the primary circuit minimises the risk of of water boiling inside the reactor core.

Compared to AGRs, PWRs have a lower thermal efficiency of 34 % (compared with 41 %). PWRs also have a much smaller  reactor pressure vessel than both AGRs and Magnox Reactors and, thus, a greater power density; this is due to their use of water as both coolant and moderator.

Legacy and Decommissioning

Whilst most of the world’s pressurised water reactor fleet are still generating power (including life extensions of up to 80 years!), some have entered the decommissioning phase of their life cycle.

How does a Pressurised Water Reactor work?

A pressurised water reactor is a type of water-cooled, water-moderated nuclear reactor that uses uranium oxide as fuel, enriched to 3-5% uranium-235. By acting as a moderator, the water slows down neutrons to sustain the nuclear chain reaction.

In a PWR, the reactor’s primary cooling circuit contains water which acts as a coolant by circulating through through the reactor core to transfer heat from the fuel rods to a steam generator. Water in the primary circuit is hot, around 300°C, and is prevented from boiling by being kept at high pressure.

A PWR’s secondary circuit also uses water as a coolant. Water in the secondary circuit is under less pressure and therefore boils after interacting with the heat exchanger, which is held inside the Steam Generator. The steam from the boiled water is used to turn the turbine to generate electricity. 

How does a Pressurised Water Reactor compare?

A pressurised water reactor has inherent thermal feedback, a form of passive safety where an increase in coolant water temperature decreases the criticality of the reactor – failing to safe. The reason for this is that as temperature increases, water density decreases and so the water becomes a less effective moderator; this reduces the rate of nuclear fission, decreasing the temperature. This is a key reason why PWRs are so safe and widely used.

Compared to AGRs, each pressurised water reactor has a smaller reactor pressure vessel and thus a greater power density.

A schematic to show how a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) uses high-pressure water to transfer heat generated from fission of nuclear fuel within the reactor core to a steam generator, preventing it from boiling. The heated secondary water in the steam generator turns into steam, which drives a turbine to generate electricity.
Simplified schematic of the primary and secondary circuits of a pressurised water reactor, along with its cooling towers within the tertiary heat sink.

Uranium Dioxide Fuel

The fuel rods used in a pressurised water reactor contains uranium dioxide powder, enriched to 3-55% uranium-235 and pressed into pellets. A typical PWR fuel assembly contains fuel rods in a 17 x 17 grid, each comprising many uranium dioxide pellets and clad in a zirconium alloy. 

PWRs can last between 18-24 months without being refuelled! At each refuelling cycle, the reactor is shut down and approximately one third of the fuel is replaced; the remaining fuel is rearranged to optimise burn-up.

Zirconium Alloy Cladding

The cladding on each pressurised water reactor fuel rod must be able to withstand high temperatures of up to 300oC, without brittle fracture or corrosion. Therefore, a zirconium alloy was chosen as the cladding material for use on PWR fuel rods. Zirconium alloy was chosen due to its exceptional corrosion resistance and relatively low cross-section for neutron absorption.

An image of a long and thin fuel rod from an Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor (AGR) - containing uranium oxide pellets, clad in ribbed shiny beryllium metal.
Each PWR fuel rod contains uranium dioxide pellets, pressurised and sealed within zirconium alloy cladding.

Water Moderator

A pressurised water reactor uses light water, typically containing a small concentration of boron, as the moderator. Combined, these allow operators to control the extent to which neutrons are slowed down, and therefore control the rate of the nuclear fission reaction and the power output of the reactor.

This, along with the mechanism of thermal feedback, contributes to a PWR’s reliability and safety.

Although control rods can also be used to control the amount of fission that happens, unlike in a Magnox reactor or AGR, in a pressurised water reactor the control rods are typically only used to shut down the reactor.

Underwater view showing numerous bubbles rising through clear blue water. This image represents the coolant used in a boiling water reactor, where water absorbs heat and turns into steam to drive turbines.
Water, pressurised within the primary circuit, is used as the coolant and moderator in a pressurised water reactor.

Water Coolant

A pressurised water reactor also uses its water (H2O) as a coolant. Within the primary circuit, this water is prevented from boiling by being kept at high pressure, typically 16 bar. The pressure in the primary circuit is controlled by the Pressuriser, which ensures the cooling water stays in a liquid state. The Pressuriser is a separate vessel connected to the primary circuit. It contains water and steam at a typical pressure of 16 bar, controlled by changing the temperature inside the pressuriser. Temperature control within the pressuriser is achieved by either water being sprayed in to cool it down or electric heaters being used to heat it up.

Hot coolant gas is then used to produce steam in the secondary circuit’s steam generator, exchanging heat with cold water. Simultaneously, as it transfers heat, the water cools back down so it can recirculate and remove more heat from the nuclear reactor core. Meanwhile, the water fed to the steam generator is heated up sufficiently high that it evaporates and forms high energy steam. It is this steam that uses its kinetic energy to drive turbines that generate electricity. The steam then enters the condenser, condensing back to liquid water.

Safety Features of a Pressurised Water Reactor

In addition to passive safety via thermal feedback a PWR has a number of additional safety systems, including:

  • A scram is a sudden reactor shutdown used in an emergency scenario. The control rods are dropped into the reactor core and stop the fission reaction occurring. The fuel will still give off decay heat so must be cooled.
  • If the reactor loses coolant due to an accident, the coolant must be replaced so that the reactor does not over heat. This involves many systems such as high pressure coolant injection system, containment spray system, and isolation cooling system.
  • A key safety feature of a PWR is the containment shielding that surrounds the primary circuit. This stops any radiation getting to the outside environment, and also is reinforced to stop things getting in. This includes extreme weather events like hurricanes, missiles and even stops planes from crashing through it!
Containment building for Robinson Nuclear Station
The containment building of H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, located in South Carolina, USA. The dome contains a single 759 MW pressurised water reactor and at the time of commissioning, in 1971, was the largest nuclear power station in the world.

Where are the Pressurised Water Reactor Sites?

Decommissioning a Pressurised Water Reactor

The Decommissioning Process

Whilst many Pressurised Water Reactors are still generating power and have even had life extensions up to 80 years, decommissioning is the next stage of the nuclear life cycle and some reactors have already entered the decommissioning phase.

The decommissioning strategy of a typical PWR will follows the following structure:


Safety: Ensuring the safety of workers and the public is paramount. Strict safety protocols and continuous monitoring are essential to prevent radiation exposure and accidents.

Technical Complexity: The decommissioning process involves intricate engineering challenges, particularly in dismantling radioactive components and managing waste.

Cost: Decommissioning is a costly endeavour and a ring-fenced budget for decommissioning is typically allocated.

Time: The entire decommissioning process can take several decades.

Case Study: Connecticut Yankee

Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant was a Westinghouse-designed pressurised water reactor in the USA. The single reactor site was commissioned in 1968 and generated electricity for almost thirty years, before ceasing operations in 1996 due to the 582 MWe reactor unit no longer being cost effective to run.

Decommissioning of the majority of the site was complete by 2004, with the reactor containment dome demolished during 2006. Spent fuel remains on a portion of the site for long-term storage, prior to final disposal in a Geological Disposal Facility. The remainder of the site has been fully remediated and is ready for reuse.

A black and white image of Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Station by the Connecticut River to the right of the image, showing a white domed reactor building to the left of the image, and a cuboid turbine hall by the river (surrounded by other infrastructure).

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